How To Write Killer Comments That Will Increase Traffic To Your Blog

Hi All,

As promised in the last post, here are 5 tips 4 comment marketing.
Comment Marketing refers to the act of commenting on other blog posts in order to increase traffic to your blog. This can happen in various ways: By commenting consistently you improve the awareness to your blog by the author of the blog you comment on and his audience, you gain direct traffic back to your posts and you improve your blog’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
The most important things that you should always keep in mind when you comment are three: Be relevant, specific and interesting. With this in mind, here are my 5 tips for comment marketing:

1. Read the last 5 posts made by the author. It will give you a great sense of the author – his perspective, interest and so on. It will help you create a more positive, impactful impression with your comment.
2. Read 3 posts worth of comments – Just as the previous tip, you will gain understanding of the community. If you won’t do it, you might write a comment which appears out of place. You will than lose the potential traffic to your blog. You want to stick out from the crowd, but not because you’re an inexperienced contributor.
3. Write more than a Tweet but less than a blog post – The exact amount is up to you, but the optimal range is between 140 chars (A Tweet) and 2-3 paragraphs. It is enough to make your point (And leave a link) but is also easy to consume.
4. NEVER drop a pure reference link – These kind of comments are usually getting rejected. If you’re going to leave a link, it better be highly relevant to the post, interesting to the audience and as non-promotional as possible (or, if it is highly promotional, prefaced transparently as such)
5. It’s OK to promote your comment (and their post) socially – Bloggers love getting their work tweeted/shared, so if you tweet/FB share a reference to your comment on their post, particularly if you call them out by name, it can have a very positive effect.

What would you like me 2 write about next?


how to finally boost up your blog’s traffic?

In my last post I’ve shared with you an amazing tool by trafficHacks that can easily increase traffic to your blog in no time. However, this time I’m going to share some more conventional ways of doing so, which are so basic that if you will just get used to implement them, your blog will never stop getting bigger (I myself didn’t have the time to implement all of them in this blog yet, but it will happen soon enough, I hope :-)).
If you are new to this blog, please accept my apoloize for removing the last post about trafficHacks’s tool, due to their request (too many users in too short time). However, once they are ready I will repost it, so it is worth waiting.

So, here are my tips to create a monster blog:

1. Give – In order to increase traffic to your blog, you have to become ‘visible’ to others. Meaning – read other blog posts, like, comment (An article explaining how to comment ‘correctly’ is soon to come) and share. Bloggers are usually very friendly and nice and will give you back by reading your posts, ‘like’ them, leave their comments and share you posts.

2. Headlines – The first thing a blogger sees when he enters your blog is the headline of the uppermost post. So, if the headline goes something like: “bla bla bla… boaring” he will immidiately leave your page. Instead, if the headline goes something: “The one legged golf player who won the world championship” is a killer headline (In case you are writing a golf blog of course :-)). In addition, when you ‘like’ or comment on other blog posts, an email is sent to the owner of this blog. This email addresses him to your blog by saying – “You should go see what they’re (You) up to. Great posts by (You): Headline1, headline2, headline3… So, if your headlines are interesting he will immediately come back to your page.

3. Now that one might be surprising – WRITE SOMETHING INTERESTING. Give your reader some value. Make him want to share your post, make him want to come back to your page, make him want to be your follower. If you don’t have anything with real value to write – just don’t.

4. Make them comment – You want to have an active discussion on each and every one of your blog posts. How do you make them leave a comment? Easily, you just finish your post with a relevant question, just like I do in the end of this post. Than, make sure to answer each comment with another question, to raise a discussion.

5. Design, design, design. Well, this blog is not a good example (yet), but this one is – <a href=”; target=”_blank”></a&gt;. I know I know, you are not a graphic designer. Yet, just by deciding to create a better looking blog, you can take some minor steps that will make a great difference. Here is a link for an article regarding <a href=”; target=”_blank”>easy steps to improve blog’s design</a>.

So, what would you like me to talk about next, regarding ANYTHING in the blogging world?